Sunday, April 27, 2008


Sometimes when thought is spoken out aloud, it is so abstract and strange because it is a subconscious stream of meaning stringed together in the form of words.

It is strange in its rhythm and its patterns. It is like abstract art.

The sound of thoughts can be haunting. Sometimes when the frame of mind is not right, you are frightened merely to close your eyes.

For if thought in words is so strange, imagine what it would be to delve in its realm without words. To delve purely in thought through dreams.

We forget our dreams for it is a self defence mechanism. Because pure thought is dangerous.

It is dangerous to think beyond boundaries. Boundaries are our bodies that bind thought.

Boundaries are those instincts of survival that nature has so meticulously ingrained in our mind.

They are defence mechanisms that once crossed, leave us susceptible to pure freedom.

Free thought can be dangerously beautiful. Its beauty can manifest itself through acts of greatness or through acts of intense evil.

Human nature is very dark.

It is as dark as it is bright.

That is why we personify good as God and evil as the Devil.

When thought is free then one has to be very, very careful. But when thought is free, carefulness abandons you like a rotten apple.

In the garden of Eden, God put a tree. It was a tree that bore the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.

With the knowledge of good and evil one is free to think because one can classify thought as good or evil and, if one has the maturity, to discard the evil thoughts.

But we, as the sages will tell you, are human; prone to error; resisting maturity as a ball and chain. So we think evil thoughts. And even though those thoughts may not get translated into action, they remain to haunt the goodness within our souls.

God did not want the haunting and therefore he gave us ignorance. And we blissfully ignored our ignorance and delved into the realm of free thought.

And there begins our greatest achievement and our greatest downfall.

Cognito Ergo Sum.

I am because I think.


- - - - --- said...


Rius said...

When beauty is abstracted
Then ugliness has been implied;
When good is abstracted
Then evil has been implied.

So alive and dead are abstracted from nature,
Difficult and easy abstracted from progress,
Long and short abstracted from contrast,
High and low abstracted from depth,
Song and speech abstracted from melody,
After and before abstracted from sequence.

~ The Tao

God created Evil the moment he concieved the concept of Good, he created Death the moment he created Life.

Cogito Ergo Creo