Sunday, April 27, 2008

Guilt and worry

Those that worry, worry in vain for none of their worries can change anything. The only thing that is in the power of change is the worrying itself.

Why worry about another person, why are you feeling guilty?

Your guilt and your worry cannot change anything.

A person changes on their own and taking their own sweet time.

External worry and concern and guilt are of no consequence.

They are wastages of external energy. If they are part of your energy being wasted, I advise you to repent. Do not worry. Do not feel guilty. Just know that what is, is. What will be, will be.

There is no room for guilt and worry. If a person feels guilt or worry, then the person they are feeling guilty towards or worried for, also shares their guilt and worry.

Therefore, the best solution is to let sleeping dogs lie. They will wake up in due time and sit by your side.

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