Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Soothsayer

And there was amongst them, a soothsayer.

And when the hush grew upon the crowd; upon the fall of night, the soothsayer was found by the only fire.

"In sooth, I say unto thee. This fire is the lot of the faithful."

And the faithful, amongst them did question why.

And then did the soothsayer say:

"For the faithful shall burn in this fire but shalt feel naught."

And the ones of little faith did mock him:

"And what of us, O 'enlightened' one?"

And thus spake the soothsayer:

"Of ye, I knowest not.
Ye are the cold that chills,
Ye are the knife,
That kills.

Ye are the weapon,
Ye are the link,
That's forced.

Ye are the scar,
That's borne,
Ye are the stars,

Yet are ye,
Of much import,
For ye are,
The lessons taught."

1 comment:

.i. said...

Absolutely brilliant! Love this piece....