Saturday, October 10, 2009


And then before the break of dawn, a strange aura grew around their countenance. And the children did frolic in their innocence.

And it came to pass, that the women in their midst grew restless. For their children were restless.

And the men knew not what to do.

Then did the spirit of the Holy Ghost come upon them. And they were at peace.

And the children grew closest to the light whilst the parents were disbelieving.

And then was heard a voice: "Behold these children for ye were once them".

And the multitude was filled with fear.


When the manifest is manifest,
The unmanifest is unknown,
When the unmanifest is manifest,
The manifest is unknowm.

And in the unmanifest,
The manifest is an illusion,
And in the manifest,
The unmanifest is a mirage.

Yet one is because,
Of the other,
And none,
Is because of both.



And both,
Are sides,
Of a single,

An octave,
Part of,
A musical,

A symphony,
In dissonance,,
A cacophony,
In resonance.

And in the merging thoughts,
Grows the seed of illumination,
That grows brighter each instance,
In its seat of rumination.

Black and white,
White and black,
Each from,
The other is.

Yin and Yang,
Tooth and fang,
And then,
The telephone rang.


And then a young man of sinewy build did approach the prophet.

"And what of lust, O' ye of many words?"

And the prophet sayest unto him:
"Be not a slave,
To that sweet,
Youth shall last you,
But a while,
Yet love shall,
Lead you to,
To present,

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The dawn before

And as they were awakening, the dawn grew in its sanguine splendour.

And the birds of the morning did sing their sweet song.

And while the music of the spheres did play in the early morn; the sages of the yesternight did sleep.

And in their sleep they dreamt prophetic dreams;

There was a damsel. All the men were enamoured of her. The hero; the prophet, knew her best.

Yet she liked him not in preference to another.

And so did the prophet know the dream.

And so did the dream transpire.

And when all had come to pass, Thomas asked and what of the promise that's unfulfilled?

And the priests amongst us did ask; "And what of thee?; O' doubting Thomas?"

And then spake the wisemen. Thomas is a fool. He sees what hast twenty years in the passing.

Yet he is Thomas.

A hush fell upon the council.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Soothsayer

And there was amongst them, a soothsayer.

And when the hush grew upon the crowd; upon the fall of night, the soothsayer was found by the only fire.

"In sooth, I say unto thee. This fire is the lot of the faithful."

And the faithful, amongst them did question why.

And then did the soothsayer say:

"For the faithful shall burn in this fire but shalt feel naught."

And the ones of little faith did mock him:

"And what of us, O 'enlightened' one?"

And thus spake the soothsayer:

"Of ye, I knowest not.
Ye are the cold that chills,
Ye are the knife,
That kills.

Ye are the weapon,
Ye are the link,
That's forced.

Ye are the scar,
That's borne,
Ye are the stars,

Yet are ye,
Of much import,
For ye are,
The lessons taught."

The Mist

And it came to pass that upon the river, there gathered a mighty mist.

And the fishermen amongst the multitude did ask "What of our fish?"

"How can we gather fish when we can see naught anon?"

And then a child amongst them said:

"I am hungry."

And the elders were of guilty disposition.

And it came to pass, that the mist grew more and more.

And soon only voices were heard.

At first:

"Where are our nets?"

"We cannot see them."


"We shall make our way to the granary."

"Aye. It is sound."

"But the granary is empty."

Then, the child:

"I caught a fish."

Soon (another child):

"Me too."

The fish multiply in the mist.

Soon, everyone has a fish.

The mist passes.

The children are at the banks of the river.

The banks are full of clay fish.

The nets are full of fish.


And it came to pass that that she asked me; what of judgement?

For 'tis it not that we judge based on the past?

Verily, I say unto you, just as time exists every instance but ye perceiveth it but anon, judgement exists only in thine mind.

The chaff calleth not the corn virtuous nor the corn the chaff an impostor.

From one, the other is. Each is from the other. And both are from nothing. And nothing is everything.

So what of good or evil? Look inwards and the outward view shall change. But beware, for if ye shalt look outward alone, the inward view shalt seem askew.

Mirages, in the desert do appear. 'tis but their disposition to disappear.

Be not the mirage.

See the oasis.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Time is that which is no thing and yet brings with it every perceived thing.
Time is like light, which you do not see. only what it reflects on is seen.
Incidence. Reflection.
Cause. Effect.
The realm of Time to the unseeing I is that of causality.
yet the higher Self knows that there are no causes in the physical universe, merely effects.
And so there is no answer to the question: What came first the chicken or the egg?
because the answer is beyond Time
the answer is they came together.

Time is a function of consciousness, and not the other way round.
Consciousness is a function of itself. it is its own means and no end in sight.

Time is life's most captivating illusion.

Allow me to use a local example:
for those familiar with local trains in Mumbai there is no doubt that once you leave Churchgate station and travelling north you will pass the following in this order:
Churchgate > Marine Lines > Charni Road > Grant Road..

that is the order of passage.

so answer me: Does Charni Road come into being only after you have passed Marine Lines?
No, it's there. you just get there after you pass Marine Lines.
are you with me?

What you call Time is the just perception of one event or many in sequence leading to others..

fortunately or unfortunately, the sequence is a matter of perception
the fact is, everything is happening Now
that's the only time there ever was, is or will be.
that is the way of your higher Self, the Seer.
and the Seer is eternal.
Now what do we fervent timekeepers know of eternity?

"And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death."