Saturday, March 26, 2011


There were many in the multitude who knoweth not only their own soul, but the soul of another.

Yet many knoweth not this knowledge.

Each soul knowing another; was yet still alone.

And the teacher saweth this void.

And he sayeth unto them:

"Oh ye, who doubteth love,
Know ye that ye are not alone,
Ye are one with each other,
Yet ye knoweth not; are unknown."

"And if thy selfish wallowing,
Keepeth yet thee apart,
Know that ye are yet in sin,
To feel naught with your Godly heart"

"For ye are one,
As dusk and the dawn,
Thou flowest into each other,
Yet thou flowest not."

And those that did know each other, were estranged in a familiar union; torn far asunder as familiar strangers.

It is; ye are.

And then, when everyone was full of doubt, sayest he, "the only place, where ye becometh unholy is in thine doubt."

"A seed doubteth not that it is a seed. Nor doest it doubt it is not a seed."

"It only groweth in both its belief and its non-belief."

"It is."

"Ye are."

"Life doth bring upon us many an unfathomable plot."

"It is."

"Ye are."

And the multitude, yet did understand naught.

And yet: they were; and yet ye are.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The companion

And it came to pass that a man nearing his fifties did come forward and enquire: "And what of God? I have followed him steadfastly, yet in my time of need, I feel not his presence?"

And then said he, "verily, I say unto you, when thou walkest upon the beach, thou seest footprints other than thine own. Those footprints are Gods."

And the man did say, "yet see I no footprints upon the beach when in times of trouble I do walk alone"

And the crowd was filled with a deep and sombre silence.

And then, a mother carrying a child did come forward.

And thus spake he, "just as that woman carries forth her child, with love and affection, so carryeth the almighty upon his shoulders, the souls of men in trouble. The footprints that thou seest walking alone, are not yours but Gods"

Thursday, January 14, 2010


A man walked along the road in the darkness. Now, he saw an entity coiled in mysterious form and his heart was filled with fear and a cloud of darkness fell upon him.

"'Tis a cobra", he cried.

The road was desolate and heavily laden with weeds and none were there to hear his cry. He turned back upon the path and returned from whence he came.

The next morning, a wandering wayfarer chanced upon the very same bespoke entity.

"'Tis a rope", he exclaimed. "How very useful, it shall be a companion in my travels."

Two men met with the same entity anon.

One was filled with fear with the darkness of ignorance.

The other filled with joy with the light of knowledge.

Two experiences were experienced.

Both were experiences.

Which was true?

More, importantly, which was true-er?

Clearly the experience in which knowledge made the wayfarer glad was more true.

But can there be an ultimate experience, with the ultimate truth?

If there exists an ultimate experience; an ultimate truth, then it is one that cannot be falsified.

Yet, there are multiple experiences in our ignorant lives.

The man of knowledge knows these experiences are untrue, for further knowledge can falsify them.

The unknowledgeable, experience "Maya". The ultimate truth is Brahman.

Religion is a human experience.

There are multiple religious experiences.

Is there a true religion?

If there is a true religion, then how is human experience tied down to so many different religious experiences?

Religion therefore is Maya.

The ultimate religious experience is one. It is the experience of the Brahman.

Brahman is the physical concept of singularity.

However, the paths to reach singularity are multiple.

Brahman is God.

Tat Tvam Asi

Saturday, October 10, 2009


And then before the break of dawn, a strange aura grew around their countenance. And the children did frolic in their innocence.

And it came to pass, that the women in their midst grew restless. For their children were restless.

And the men knew not what to do.

Then did the spirit of the Holy Ghost come upon them. And they were at peace.

And the children grew closest to the light whilst the parents were disbelieving.

And then was heard a voice: "Behold these children for ye were once them".

And the multitude was filled with fear.


When the manifest is manifest,
The unmanifest is unknown,
When the unmanifest is manifest,
The manifest is unknowm.

And in the unmanifest,
The manifest is an illusion,
And in the manifest,
The unmanifest is a mirage.

Yet one is because,
Of the other,
And none,
Is because of both.



And both,
Are sides,
Of a single,

An octave,
Part of,
A musical,

A symphony,
In dissonance,,
A cacophony,
In resonance.

And in the merging thoughts,
Grows the seed of illumination,
That grows brighter each instance,
In its seat of rumination.

Black and white,
White and black,
Each from,
The other is.

Yin and Yang,
Tooth and fang,
And then,
The telephone rang.


And then a young man of sinewy build did approach the prophet.

"And what of lust, O' ye of many words?"

And the prophet sayest unto him:
"Be not a slave,
To that sweet,
Youth shall last you,
But a while,
Yet love shall,
Lead you to,
To present,